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WalkCar, world's first 'car in a bag'

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walk-car The WalkCar

A Japanese engineer twenty-six-year-old Kuniako Sato and his team at Cocoa Motors have developed a portable transporter small enough to be carried in a backpack - world's first 'car in a bag'.

This lithium battery-powered 'WalkCar' transporter, unveiled recently has the size of a laptop and resembles a skateboard more than a car. If everything goes well, this pocket-sized between two and three kilograms, depending on whether it is an indoor or outdoor version.

Sato expects to see many other uses for his transporter, as he says it has enough power to help people push wheelchairs with ease. The lightweight aluminum board is stronger than it looks, and can take loads of up to 120 kg. With a top speed of 10 kilometers per hour, it travels distances of up to 12 km after three hours of charging.

Its developer says it's also extremely simple to ride. Once the rider stands on it the Walk Car starts automatically, while simply stepping off stops the vehicle. To change direction, the user just shifts their weight.

Best of all, there is no need to find a parking space, because it fits into a small bag when not in use. Sato says he is confident that WalkCar goes beyond bulkier devices such as the Segway or Toyota's Winglet.

Sato says customers will be able to reserve their own WalkCars from autumn 2015 on the crowdfunding website Kickstarter. The futuristic skateboard will have a price-tag of approx. $800 USD and shipping is expected to begin by spring 2016.

(With inputs from Executive Knowledge Lines)

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