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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 05:07 AM IST
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YouTube's voice-only service

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YouTube music YouTube Music

YouTube Music, a new application for music lovers, has been launched. As the name suggests, this application would only serve music. Those who do not want to see music videos can switch off the video and hear only the audio. Alternatively, one can also minimize the window of the application and multitask with the music playing in the background.

In addition to all the facilities that YouTube offers, YouTube Music also offers additional features of a mobile music player. While the iPhone and Android versions are available, they are not available in India.

YouTube Music has been launched in association with the firm's no-ads service, YouTube Red. To enjoy an ads-free experience, one has to enrol for YouTube Red, which allows one to switch off the video and enjoy only the audio.

Since video-streaming is data intensive, the facility to hear only music is a boon to music lovers. The Offline Mix Tape feature allows one to store up to 20 audio tracks in the phone.

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