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Last Updated Sunday November 22 2020 02:56 PM IST
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Malayalis are well into the smart era where consumers first go to the neighbourhood store to try out a pair of shoes and then return home to order the same online for a much cheaper price. The digital world has come of age as 3G and broadband turned into everyday terms and tablets and smartphones became household items.

Malayala Manorama was with the people in their forays into the changing world. Novel times needed novel products. 'M4Marry' the matrimonial website was the first step in this direction. The matchmaking site has grown to be the biggest in Kerala with lakhs of active users. The site has even brought out an app to benefit them.

'Hello Address' is there for all things related to real estate. The websites help Malayalis worldwide to buy or sell houses or properties. The site has options to present the details of the property, its pictures and related amenities. Users can even search by the map. The site has an app.

'Quick Kerala' was started with an aim to make Kerala completely digital. The website allows users to search for anything from Kasaragod to Thiruvananthapuram. The site has about 3 lakh listings. Users can search for places, buildings or institutions on the site.

The youngest of the lot, 'Ente Deal' has already become a favourite. The site offers a new deal every day. This brings to consumers various services at the lowest price. Consumers are assured of the best possible price for everything from food and hotel rooms to electronic equipment and home appliances. The website’s service is currently limited to Kochi and Kottayam but will soon be expanded to all 14 districts.

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