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Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 10:55 AM IST
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An app to fight breast cancer

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App to fight against breast cancer Representative image

Kochi: October marks efforts for breast cancer awareness globally. Cochin Cancer Society has contributed to this awareness campaign by releasing a mobile application, which helps in detecting, defending and treating breast cancer.

Named “Save Your Mother 2015”, this app is already available in Android platform and within a week, it can be accessed in IOS platform (Apple I Store). Contents of the app are partitioned as cancer defence, detection and treatment. Along with descriptions on defending cancer, the app explains how the disease can be detected through self check-up. A six-minute-long video clip helps in this process.

In a section of the app which clear up the misconceptions and unfold the realities on cancer, expert doctors also addresses queries. Treatment methods are vividly explained and it shows that breast cancer can be completely cured when it is identified at the preliminary stages. In a video, celebrated diva Manju Warrier explains how her mother was saved from cancer.

Cochin Cancer Society has come out with this app as breast cancer is getting rampant among women, says Society patron, Dr.V.P. Gangadharan. Awareness sections on other forms of cancer will also be included in the app shortly. Thinkpalm Technologies Pvt. Ltd, an Infopark company, had devised this app.

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