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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 10:20 AM IST
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YouTube unveils new app for kids

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YouTube unveils new app for kids Now the free app is available for Android devices only

YouTube will release a new app designed for kids on Monday, confirmed the Google-owned video service.

The app, called YouTube Kids will reportedly offer original episodes of TV shows aimed at youngsters, in addition to videos from child-centric channels on YouTube, and will let parents set timers to stop their spawn from watching too long.

The free app launches on Feb 23, and at present is available for Android devices only.

Months in the making, YouTube Kids was the by-product of input from in-house engineers with parenting credentials as well as third-party testers from organizations such as Common Sense Media.

If a child deliberately or inadvertently types in a word such as 'sex', the screen pops up with a 'Try something else' message. Parents who want to limit their child's screen time can control the app's settings through a password; when a set amount of time is up, the app turns off and can't be started again without the password.

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