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Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 10:58 AM IST
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Waze to add voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Waze to add voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger

We've got so many more gadgets yakking at us nonstop, yet the voices seem to come from a fearsome authoritarian world, where emotions are banned.

But now here comes community-based traffic app Waze which will give you a voice from a world that is much closer to your own.

Yes, Waze app which helps you to navigate through traffic has recruited Arnold Schwarzenegger to be the voice of its mobile app in which he uses his Terminator persona to help you find the most efficient way to get to where you need to go.

Waze allows users to talk back to its interface to communicate with other drivers about traffic conditions. If someone up ahead spots a speed trap or traffic jam, for example, he or she can alert other users to avoid that route.

Waze also recruited actors Terry Crews in 2014 and Kevin Hart in 2013 to give directions.

But now, have fun talking back to an Austrian-accented killing machine/former California governor.

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