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Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 11:01 AM IST
Other Stories in Gadgets

An app for skin protection

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Apps (Representative image)

Summer. It is that time of the year when you truly need to take care of your skin. And if you are someone who is out in the sun often, it is absolutely essential to keep a sun-screen lotion handy. But, are you sure that you know when you need to reapply the sunscreen? That is where the new app Called Solar Cell app comes to play. This new app can give you real-time sun protection advice.

Solar Cell app provides sun protection advice based on UV (ultraviolet) index forecasts and personal information from the users.

It also alerts users to apply or reapply sunscreen. According to a study published in the international journal JAMA Dermatology, such personalised, real-time advice can help improve a person’s sun protection behaviour. The researchers collected data from 202 participants and found that of the 96 participants who were assigned to use the app, 74 used it and they followed better sun protection practices than those who did not use the app.

This smartphone mobile app Solar Cell was developed by Klein Buendel in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute.

(Arrangement with The SmartLife)

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