Google to make tabular search more effective

News organisations can add additional structured data to make the dataset parts of the page easier to identify in Search: Photo | Reuters

San Francisco:When it comes to text, videos or images, millions of people around the world rely on Google Search to get the relevant results. Now Google has identified ways to make the results of even tabular data search more relevant.

"Based on the feedback from 30 top data journalists in the world, we identified an opportunity to improve how tabular data appears in Google Search. This will now help make it easier for all people to find the data they're looking for," Simon Rogers, Data Editor at Google News Lab said in a blog post on Tuesday.

The push comes even as the importance of data journalism has risen across news organisations and data tables are often the most useful format for communication.

How does it work?

News organisations that publish data in the form of tables can add additional structured data to make the dataset parts of the page easier to identify for use in relevant Search features.

They add the structured data to the existing html of a page, which means that news organisations can still control how their tables are presented to readers, Rogers said.

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