Keralite enters international music video contest organized by Hans Zimmer

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‘Enter the World of Hans Zimmer’ was a much celebrated international music video contest conducted by renowned Hollywood music composer Hans Zimmer in association with Sony Music. Music video titled Time directed by Noble Peter has been selected to enter this contest.
The contestants could submit a visual narration of Zimmer’s noted compositions like Gladiator Orchestra Suite – Now We Are Free, Time – Inception Orchestra Version, The Dark Night- Orchestra Suite, The Da Vinci Code – Orchestra Suite and The Lion King – Orchestra Suite. Noble says he had chosen Time, the orchestra suite from the award winning Hollywood movie Inception for his video. The music video has ‘Mental Illness in Women’ as the central theme.
The music video narrates the marital life of Alex and Samantha and the latter’s struggle with mental illness. Samantha is a doctor while Alex is an IT professional. The couple resides in a busy and vibrant city in Australia. However, the hectic city life in fact pushes Samantha into loneliness and depression. She struggles to catch up with Alex’s fast paced life. Moreover, she wishes to live her life by focusing on her individuality and personality. But, she is often discouraged by Alex’s superiority complex. Arguments and fights become a daily affair in the couple’s life. Samantha struggles to respond or react aptly to the issues. Slowly, she descends into depression due to loneliness and domestic abuse. Through the song, Samantha conveys her desire to save herself from this quagmire. She tries to free her soul and body from the trap that she had set for herself.
Filming during the pandemic
The director says it was quite challenging to film the music video during the time of the pandemic. The crew, however, wanted to shoot it creatively despite the challenges posed by the Covid 19 situation. As there were travel restrictions to fly to another country, Noble decided to direct through video conferencing. The crew had decided to film the video at Perth in Australia.
Noble soon found a group of talented crew members at Perth. They planned everything so amazingly that Noble was able to direct the music video from his home at Kochi. Noble says the filming was completed by strictly following the Covid protocols in both the countries. The footages were transferred with the help of Google Drive and the post production works were completed in Kochi. Noble and his crew members are happy and proud that they could finally release the music video Time, despite the restrictions related to the pandemic protocols.