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Last Updated Saturday November 21 2020 10:30 AM IST
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Coming soon, an app for Chandy cartoons

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Thiruvananthapuram: A mobile app that has 155 cartoons on Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy will be launched here on Monday.

The title of the app is 'Athivekem Bahudoorem', which is also the theme line of Chandy's government.

The app can be downloaded at a cost of just Rs.10. The cartoons will also be compiled in a a book.

Freelance cartoonist Harikumar said that the work depicts Chandy as the central character.

"All the cartoons have a thematic background. It includes the development programmes undertaken by Chandy and the issues he had to encounter such as scams and so on," said Harikumar, 50.

Chandy assumed office as the chief minister for a second time in May 2011.

Kochi-based, a recently launched virtual publishing house that caters exclusively for first-time writers and self published authors, is bringing out the cartoons as an app.

Kuruvilla Chacko, CEO and managing director of, said that the compilation will be the 200th work to be released by the firm ever since it was started in July this year.

"Anyone with an android phone can go and download their 'valmeeki' app from the playstore. Then they can go to this online book and pay Rs.10," Chacko said.

'Sahyithi Publications', edited by former state minister V.C. Kabeer, is publishing the book of cartoons that has 156 pages and is priced at Rs.125.

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