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Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 10:59 AM IST
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Facebook Lite debuts in Asia

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 Facebook rolls out new Android app for Asia

San Francisco: Facebook on Thursday released a 'Lite' version of its application that was tailored for people using Android smartphones in places where wireless data bandwidth is scarce.

Facebook Lite was built to use less data and work well despite potentially constrained telecommunications network conditions in developing countries, according to the California-based online social network.

Facebook began rolling Lite out in Asia and said that the application will be available in part of Europe, Africa, and Latin America in coming weeks.

"In many areas, networks can be slow and not able to support all the functionality found in Facebook for Android," the leading social network said in an online post.

"Facebook Lite was built for these situations, giving people a reliable Facebook experience when bandwidth is at a minimum," it added.

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