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Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 11:02 AM IST
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Turn into a supermodel

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App that can turn you into a supermodel The 'YouCam Makeup' app

New York: If you have always wished to possess looks that would make the opposite sex go weak in their knees, here is an app for you.

The app claims to transform you into a supermodel at the touch of a button.

YouCam Makeup lets its users virtually transform themselves into their favourite model by tweaking their features to match the globe's most famous ramp stars.

"YouCam Make-up perfectly illustrates how technology is transforming fashion and style. We can now experiment with an unlimited number of make-up looks in seconds - this is smart and empowering, the very essence of what fashion is all about," a spokesperson was quoted as saying.

The app, unveiled recently, analysed the world's top models' make-up preferences and picked the looks regarded as the trendiest.

Downloaded more than eight million times since its launch last summer, YouCam Makeup harnesses the latest facial detection and skin analysis technology to apply realistic cosmetic looks on selfies and other photos.

App that can turn you into a supermodel The app claims to transform you into a supermodel at the touch of a button

The app features a complete set of true-to-life make-up effects, including eye shadow palettes, mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks, blush and foundation.

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