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Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 10:52 AM IST

Genius HS 940 BT, HS 930 BT headsets launched

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Genius Headsets (Left) Genius HS-940BT and Genius HS-930BT

New Delhi: Genius, one of the world's leading manufacturers of computer peripherals and smart phone accessories, has announced the launch of its new range of bluetooth 4.0 headsets - the HS-940 BT and HS-930 BT.

The sleek HS-940 BT headset with swivel ear cup easily and quickly pairs with any bluetooth device. When it comes to audio quality, the headset delivers crisp sound with signature bass performance. A 30 metre wireless working distance, allows one to move around and enjoy their favourite tunes, while the ambient noise isolation adds to the experience.

The forte of the HS-940BT headset is its ultra powerful battery which can play music non-stop for upto 20 hours. This iron grey coloured headset is priced at Rs.3,250.

The stylish looking HS-930 BT headset delivers an impressive sound quality and base effect with a 40 mm neodinium drivers. It features a built-in microphone and a single button to answer incoming calls.

The plush extra soft leather earcups provide unmatched comfort, while the foldable headband and carry pouch make carrying and storage convenient.

The HS-930 BT comes with a powerful battery which delivers a solid 15 hours music playing time.

Available in three vibrant colour options - black, white and red - the headset is priced at Rs.2,925.

Both the headsets are available at over 10,000 plus retail outlets of all formats and all leading e-tailing sites including Flipkart, Snapdeal, Amazon and E-bay among others.

(With agency inputs)

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