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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 07:21 PM IST
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New app to help heart attack patients

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New app to help heart attack patients Representative image

New York: A new app is out there to help heart attack patients recover faster. It may help people cope better with the trauma associated with a heart attack, Fortune magazine reported.

The recovery from the first attack requires ongoing support to help prevent a second one. After a heart attack, patients are often given a list of changes they need to make in order to prevent a second attack.

That's where the new app, developed by Vida Health and AstraZeneca, and called Day-By-Day, comes into play.

The app, which is launching through a trial programme at Duke University, will help patients follow step-by-step process in the recovery process by using live digital coaches and educational materials, like videos, articles, and food journals, to help patients implement lifestyle changes and adhere to their new drug regimen.

It's a period where hands-on rehabilitation can make a significant difference, helping patients understand what medications to take when, how to change their eating habits or quit smoking, and how to slowly develop an exercise routine.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the US.

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