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Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 10:54 AM IST

Facebook set to launch news app 'Notify'

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Facebook Facebook had earlier tied up with nine news publishers to launch 'Instant Articles', which publishes their content directly to the social network's mobile news feeds. Photo: Reuters

California: Facebook is preparing to launch a new standalone news app called Notify next week, the Financial Times reported, citing people familiar with the plans.

The app will feature content from dozens of media partners including Vogue, the Washington Post and CBS, the newspaper said.

Facebook had earlier tied up with nine news publishers to launch 'Instant Articles', which publishes their content directly to the social network's mobile news feeds.

The company's new app will compete with Twitter recently launched service called 'Moments', which aims to provide a better way of curating and aggregating content for users and help them follow live events.

Facebook was not immediately available to comment.

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