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Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 10:57 AM IST
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Bestie, new selfie app for a natural look

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Bestie, new selfie app for a natural look The app, called Bestie, offers 22 mood filters for self-portraits

New York: A new selfie app that has been launched will help capture the perfect self-portrait by enhancing one's natural looks.

The app, called Bestie, offers 22 mood filters for self-portraits, The Next Web reported.

The app's main feature, targeted at women, offers a one-tap filter with 26 mood variations or personalities, each named for a different woman.

An auto noise reduction function for the night mode lets you snap selfies in low-light environments. Effects like vignette and blur highlight an image's focus.

You can shoot a picture on the spot with the app or pull up a picture from your gallery.

A slider bar gives you full control over features like skin smoothness, acne control, face slimming, eye enlargement, nose slimming and other popular controls.

A little feature point lets you pinpoint exactly where you want a specific skin correction.

Bestie is free and is available for both iOS and Android platforms.

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