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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 04:54 PM IST
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Arogyam app to help you stay fit

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Arogyam app Malayala Manorama's Arogyam app.

Here is a new app to help you stick to your exercise regime. Developed by Malayala Manorama, the highlight of the app called Arogyam is the pregnancy calendar.

Arogyam is the first Malayalam app which describes the different stages of your pregnancy. The Pregnancy & Baby calendar is in Malayalam. This helps you keep track of your special moments during the initial weeks to the the time you deliver.

You will get regular updates about the status of your baby's growth from day one to the time of delivery. It will also explain the changes your body undergoes during pregnancy, and give you valuable tips about how you can take care of yourself at various stages for a safe and comfortable pregnancy. The app also has a repository of names for your baby.

Arogyam app Malayala Manorama's Arogyam app.

The app also features an extensive medical encyclopedia, health calculator, baby calendar and BMI calculator among other things.

To download the App

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For more apps from Malayala Manorama, visit

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