


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 09:11 PM IST

Natural cure for dandruff

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Hair wash (Representative image)

Anila Joseph, Beauty Therapist & Make up Expert at Anila Joseph's Beauty Care Solutions & Beauty Spa, Trivandrum. gives us a few useful tips for controlling dandruff.

a) While washing your hair, you have to be very careful. You have to make sure that this water you are using to wash your hair does not come in contact with the face because it may infect the skin. Anila suggests visiting a saloon for a hair-wash or to take the help of someone at home and wash the hair in a sink. Keep the hair away from skinline. You should not wipe your face with the same hair towel. Scratching the hair vigorously too will lead to secondary infections. Dandruff scales tend to collect in your combs and brushes. It's important to wash and disinfect them regularly.

b) One should apply an anti dandruff hair tonic on the scalp every day. Along with this, one should shampoo the hair about twice or thrice a week using a herbal shampoo that contains active anti-dandruff ingredients. Henna shampoos would be ideal. Henna applications once a week would help to restore the natural balances. Hot oil therapy can be followed by applying warm oil on the scalp, rubbing gently to dislodge the flakes. About half an hour before using the shampoo, applying the juice of a lemon will be highly beneficial.

The treatment of dandruff with herbal products has shown wonderful results since many herbs contain medical properties that control the infection while others have cleansing action without disturbing the natural balances. Herbs like henna, shikakai, amla, sage, brahmi have been included in hair tonics, shampoos and conditioners.

However, one should seek professional advice if the dandruff is persistent. One should also to learn how to take good care of the hair, concludes Anila.

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