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Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 10:52 AM IST

X-mas special: Smartphones below Rs 20,000

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This Christmas, you could consider buying these smartphones that are available within the price range of Rs. 8000 and Rs. 20, 000:

1. Xiaomi Redmi Note Prime: This phone is ideal for those who value Xiaomi's “Make in India” efforts.

Xiaomi Redmi Note Prime Xiamoi Redmi Note Prime

Price: Rs. 8,499

2. HTC Desire 828 Dual: Apart from the phone's dual SIM feature, the phone has a storage capacity of 16 GB as well.

HTC Desire 828 Dual HTC Desire 828 Dual

Price: Rs.19,990

3. InFocus M680: Looking for a phone with longer battery-life, try out this phone.

InFocus M680 InFocus M680

Price: Rs. 10,999

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