


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 09:12 PM IST

Welfare schemes for all those in need

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Disability (Representative image)

The department of social justice has launched various initiatives over the years for the welfare of women, children, physically and mentally challenged, destitute, orphans, aged and other sections of the society.

“Snehasanthwanam,” a scheme introduced by the Social Security Mission, provides monthly assistance to the victims. Those who are bedridden but availing disability pension are eligible for Rs1,700; others will be eligible for Rs2,000.

Moreover, disability certification camps are held at panchayat/block level throughout the state. The was to ensure that the entire disabled population of the state receives the Disability Certificate and identity card. The disabled persons were issued medical certificates immediately by a team of doctors. People with disability above 40 per cent have been provided with disability certificate, ID cards and passbook.

The Social Security Mission also takes care of the community of unwed mothers who are abandoned by their families and communities. Most of these women are exploited in various ways and they lack the skills to earn a proper living. The scheme, “Snehasparsham” provides Rs 1,000 per month to sexually exploited unwed mothers.

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