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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 01:02 AM IST
Other Stories in Gadgets

Now hear music without wrecking your ears

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Now hear music without wrecking your ears The device is called Aumeo

Everyone loves music, but unfortunately our hearing quality gradually declines, both with age and by exposing our ears to overly loud environments.

People's ears are different - some are more sensitive than others - and Aumeo wants to solve this problem by tuning your earphones to match the sensitivity of your ears. The device is called Aumeo and it claims to be the first device of its type in the world.

The pocket-sized device maps the users hearing sensitivity to different sounds and then adjusts the music based on the audio profile it creates from that data.

Aumeo is just a small box that lives between your music device and your headphones. After performing a simple test to see how good your ears are at detecting certain frequencies, Aumeo will alter the audio output to better match your sonic profile, providing more detailed audio that you'll be able to enjoy without turning the volume up to a drum-damaging level.

The Aumeo device is on Indiegogo right now.

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