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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 11:51 AM IST
Other Stories in Gadgets

Meet Pepper – the friendly robot

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Meet Pepper – the friendly robot The four-foot tall white machine-on-wheels gives ardent attention to its companions. AP

Tokyo: Stupendous power, supersonic brains and lightening-speed – that's how most of us would define a robot.

But give that thought a pause and look at Pepper - the new companion robot from Tokyo-based Softbank Corp.

The four-foot tall white machine-on-wheels gives ardent attention to its companions, that some rated as much better than real life scenarios. Pepper delivers cuteness like you've never seen.

Pepper has cameras, lasers and infrared in its hairless head so it can detect human faces. Whatever direction you move, its cocked head will also move, intently looking into your face with its big eyes, like a puppy. Except this pet can talk.

The robot is equipped with enough of a repertoire to avoid easy boredom. That repertoire is constantly being updated through a WiFi connection.

Each Pepper is hand-made by Foxconn in China, limiting supplies to 1,000 a month. The first batch for July sold out in a minute.

It's attracting regular technology fans but also a kindergarten, a cafe and people who're buying it for their elderly parents.

However, this cute robot comes at quite a price -$1,600, plus the maintenance and insurance costs that ownership entails, adding up to some $10,000 for an estimated three-year lifespan.

(With Agency inputs)

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