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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 04:10 PM IST
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iOS 9 offers iCloud Drive App

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iOS 9 offers iCloud Drive App

Apple's vision for file management on iOS has always been to let things happen behind the scenes with minimal user input, but with iOS 9 the company appears to be making at least a small concession to those who feel more comfortable delving into folders and files themselves.

The latest update to Apple’s mobile operating system includes an iCloud Drive app that lets people view and manage all of the files stored in Apple’s cloud from a central location.

The app lets you browse through the files you have stored in iCloud Drive, open files, delete files, move files, and share files via the iOS share sheet.

This app makes iCloud Drive a more viable replacement to Dropbox, letting users easily access their files on the go.

Previously, iOS users could only access those files from inside an app that accessed iCloud Drive, which was released last year in iOS 8.

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