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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 09:28 PM IST
Other Stories in Gadgets

Now, an app to lift your mood

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Mobile App

If any of your friends or relatives complain that they feel sickly and have no mood to attend work, now you have a solution on hand and you need not remain silent to such complaints. You can advise them to access the mobile application, 'Your Dost,' which offers ready emotional support to lift up their mood and enliven them to face the day’s challenges.

The app offers expert advice to overcome emotional problems and also ease tensions. The app would maintain your privacy and offer expert advice to face all emotional issues with poise and regain one's mood.

According to Richa Singh, co-founder and chief executive officer of the company which offers the facility, the main intention is to create an awareness about mental health and also clear the misgivings about it among the people. The app works as an intermediary to talk with mental health experts, psychiatrists, teachers and counsellors, says Richa.

The app also has articles on mental health. It would also offer replies to queries on emotional and mental distress.

As per the World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics, one out of every seven people is facing emotional and mental problems, but centres which offer scientific treatment facilities are too insufficient to meet the demand. In this context the app would do a world of good to those undergoing mental stress, says Richa.

Richa who completed studies from IIT, Guwahati launched the startup, Your Dost along with It expert, Prakhar Varma. At present, the app has 70,000 clients. The app could be downloaded from the play store or the website

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