


Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 07:49 PM IST

Heal and feel at home

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Healthcare Many home care instituitions provide comprehensive healthcare services including visits by doctors, nurses etc. to the homes of patients.

Many home care instituitions provide comprehensive healthcare services such as geriatric care, post-operative care, palliative care, physiotherapy etc. They also provide other complementary services such as collection of lab samples, delivery of medicines to a patient's home as well as hiring medical equipment.

Meena Ganesh, Co-founder & CEO of a internationally reputed health care orgnisation shared her experiences in this regard.

She said, “A close family member was diagnosed with cancer. My family had faced many difficulties while taking care of a terminally ill person. They realised how tough life had become due to the lack of affordable and quality home healthcare in India. Many companies in India could make use of the “whitespace” opportunity although the concept has been around the world for more than 120 years.”

“The concept is new in India. Building awareness is the key challenge since Indians are used to visiting clinics and hospitals for their health needs for generations. Human resource is critical to the service as they have to cater to people at large. In order to ensure quality treatment, the comapnies follow standard operating procedures which include clinical monitoring and storage of data on a real time basis.The corporates in India use the latest technology to track the location of clinicians so that the closest clinicians may be directed to the patient,” she further explained.

Health services include dealing with the aged, patients who are immobile, terminally ill, chronically ill or those who require a daily dose of injections, catheter and tube care, colostomy and tracheotomy care etc. By doing so, the patients recover faster by as they can avoid the risk of secondary infections during their stay at hospitals. The costs involved are less as well.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in My News are solely those of the author in his/her private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of Onmanorama, or any other entity of Malayala Manorama.

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