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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 09:17 PM IST

This X-mas, charge your phone without a charger

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jayan Dr Jayan Thomas

How convenient would it be if you could charge your mobile phone by simply putting it in your pocket? It seems such a facility is now available based on the fact that electricity can be stored in copper wires.

Dr Jayan Thomas, who is an assistant professor at the Photonics and Material Sciences Department, Central Florida University, has bagged an award from R&D Magazine for the invention. The magazine selects 100 news-making inventions in the past year for issuing its annual award.

Copper wires, made using nano technology, can store electricity. If one's attire can be made from such strands, then one need not carry chargers or powerbanks; electronic gadgets can be charged in seconds. It is believed that the invention would revolutionise domains from space technology to automobile manufacturing.

Dr Jayan is also involved in developing telepresence. He is also credited with developing a TV that beams 3D images that can be seem without special 3D glasses.

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