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No issues were detected in the child's condition in the seven scannings.
The petition, filed by the girl’s father, claimed the pregnancy resulted from repeated assaults by her lover.
The portal is fashioned after the COVID-19 vaccine management system, aka Co-WIN.
The menstrual cycle is a natural process that prepares the female body for pregnancy.
In an interview with Variety, Gomez revealed that her medical conditions would make it risky for her to carry a pregnancy.
According to her dietician Pooja Makhija, Deepika eats well-thought-out meals in a portion-controlled manner.
The couple has already given their fans glimpses of how good they would be as parents through various sightings and videos.
Additionally, the professional skills of women police will be enhanced to tackle crimes against women and children and so that they can handle cyber crimes effectively, the CM said.
According to Deepika's yoga trainer Anshuka, viparita karani also promotes relaxation.
Not all yoga poses might suit every woman but if they practise the discipline following the advice of a guide, they can prepare well to ease through the nine months, have a relatively easier delivery and even remain fit after it.
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