As Kerala faced devastating floods in two years, that wreaked havoc in several areas across the state, Mollywood stars got actively involved in the relief process. And most of all, actor Tovino got wide applauds for involving himself with every activity right from carrying relief materials to meeting residents of relief camp.

Even as the actor went to Nilambur along with Joju for the relief works, Tovino was seen reciving the SIIMA best actor award in Qatar on Friday.


Accepting the award, Tovino thanked SIIMA and viewers for voting him and also expressed gratitude to directors and technicians of his films. He then added, “I would like to dedicate this award to all Malayalis and to Kerala as wll which is facing a bad time now,” and was cheered by audience.

Meanwhile, Prithviraj who won the Best actor critcs for Koode spoke for Kerala in his acceptance speech.


“More than 2 lakh people are currently at various flood relief camps across the state and many of them don't have anything to look forward in life. At this time, I request you to help bring back Kerala and do your bit. Malayalam film industry is doing a collective effort for this but that is not enough. Let's join hands,” he said.