Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw recently shared an impressive video on his X profile. The 32-second video had a glass of water kept near a mobile phone on the Vande Bharat sleeper train, testing its speed. While the train achieved its peak speed of 180 kmph, we can see the full glass of water remaining static. The trials will continue till the end of this month. Earlier, the minister had also said that the train has high-end features like the automatic train protection system of kavach, fire-safety compliance systems, jerk-free and crashworthy couplers, anti climbers, etc. However, none of it seems to have impressed his followers on X, who highlighted numerous issues. 

Passengers not impressed
Under the post, rail passengers shared myriad concerns, ranging from delayed trains to crammed-up railway stations. One of the followers replied to the minister saying, 'All this seems useless unless existing trains and coaches are improved. Even trains that run daily between metro city routes are getting delayed. Every day trains are getting delayed by at least an hour. Pathetic.' Another user said that his Rajadhani train is four hours late and so these updates don't help him. Sharing a picture from the Dadar Central Station at 8.30 pm, a user named Pratik Vitthal commented, 'Look at the rush at Dadar Central Station at 8.30 pm. Have any solution for this hectic travel?' Many passengers also highlighted issues of Vande Bharat trains. According to Nishant Kumar, 'The Vande Bharat train from NJP to Patna is so pathetic, it needs a test drive.' A user also said that his Vande Bharat on the day from Kanpur to New Delhi is six hours late and still it ran at a 4 kmph speed between Ghaziabad and New Delhi.  


The post also has many poking fun at the update, asking the minister to take pictures from general class and sleeper class, remarks on why the updates are just on high-priced trains, comments on old bogies and infrastructure of other trains and more. A few passengers have also posted photos and videos of unclean waste bins, coaches and toilets of various trains, asking when such issues will change.