New Delhi: After landing, the first baggage of airlines should arrive at the baggage belt within 10 minutes and the last within 30, regulator BCAS directed seven airlines airlines. The directive from the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) to the scheduled airlines comes against the backdrop of delays in passengers getting their baggage after landing a flight. An official statement on Sunday said that BCAS has asked the airlines to implement the required measures to ensure timely delivery of baggage by February 26.

The directive was issued on February 16 to seven airlines -- Air India, IndiGo, Akasa Air, SpiceJet, Vistara, AIX Connect and Air India Express. Airlines have to ensure that delivery of the last baggage is made within 30 minutes as per the Service Quality Requirements of Operation, Management and Delivery Agreement (OMDA). BCAS has been monitoring the arrival of baggage at belts of six major airports in January 2024 under the instructions of Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia.


"Since the beginning of the review exercise, the performance of all airlines has been monitored every week and has improved but is not as per the mandates. "The mandates require the first baggage to arrive at the baggage belt within 10 minutes of shutting off the aircraft engine and the last bag within 30 minutes of the same," the statement said.