The police team probing the alleged suicide of ADM Naveen Babu has collected the call data records (CDR) of District Collector Arun K Vijayan, former Kannur district panchayat president P P Divya, as part of the investigation, according to a report submitted by Sreejith Koderi, Inspector of Police, Kannur Town police station before the Judicial First Class Magistrate Court-1, Kannur. The report was submitted on Tuesday following a plea filed by Manjusha K, wife of Naveen Babu, to preserve CDR, tower location and CCTV footage.

Manjusha requested the court to direct the Inspector, Special Investigation Team (SIT) to collect and submit the CDR of any other official or personal phone numbers of P P Divya and the District Collector, Kannur, which were in use from January 1, 2024, to November 15, 2024. It was also prayed that the Inspector may be directed to furnish all the phone numbers used by Prasanthan or to submit his CDR that they have already collected. Prasanthan had levelled bribery allegations against Naveen Babu. During Naveen Babu's farewell meeting, P P Divya hinted at this allegation and said that she would reveal more details in two days. Naveen Babu was found dead in his official residence a day after the farewell meeting.


The report submitted by the police, however, does not mention Prasanthan's CDR. It says that the CDR of the Collector and Divya have been collected. Manjusha had pleaded that the Inspector may be directed to collect and submit before the court:

  • CCTV footage of the Kannur Collectorate, Railway station and platform, places near Muneeswaram Kovil, official quarters of the deceased, from 4 pm on October 14 to 6 am on October 15, 2024
  • CCTV footage of both sides of the road from the Railway station to the official quarters of the deceased from 4 pm on October 14 to 6 am on October 15, 2024
  • All available CCTV footage between the Kannur Collectorate to the railway station on the evening of 4 pm of  October 14  till midnight 12 am of  October 14, 2024

According to the police report, Naveen Babu's death happened somewhere between 6 pm ( October 14) and 8 am ( October 15). He was found hanging from a ceiling fan in the bedroom using a plastic rope.


The police said in the report that CCTV cameras were not installed in Naveen Babu's office quarters hence footage was not available, however other visuals cited in the plea have been collected. Close relatives of Naveen Babu said that the police report does not mention Prasanthan's call data records, which were crucial to the investigation. Manjusha said in the plea that it was reliably understood that the Inspector had questioned Prasanthan and recorded his statement. "The 4th respondent ( Inspector) is duty bound to collect and preserve the CDR of the said person(Prasanthan). There is every likelihood that the 4th respondent will suppress the CDR of the said person," according to the plea. The court will pass orders on plea on December 3.

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