Kozhikode: The woman, who was undergoing treatment at a private hospital following the death of her foetus, passed away on Friday. The deceased, Aswathy (35), was the wife of Vivek from Arpatta, Unnikulam, Ekarool. The family of a woman had alleged medical negligence after her foetus died during childbirth. The hospital authorities said that the patient developed sudden complications while they were prepping her for C-section.

According to a relative, Aswathy was admitted to a private hospital in Ullyeri on September 7 for delivery. As labour did not start naturally, she was given medication on Tuesday. However, with no improvement, additional medication was administered on Wednesday to induce labour. When the labour pain began in the afternoon, the hospital assured the family that a normal delivery was possible. However, as the pain intensified at night, Aswathy requested a C-section, but the doctor reportedly refused.

Early Thursday morning, relatives saw the hospital staff take her away on a stretcher. Shortly after, the hospital informed them that her uterus had ruptured, resulting in the death of the foetus. The family was told that if the uterus was not removed, Aswathy’s life would be at risk. They consented to the procedure, but her condition worsened, and she was placed on a ventilator. The hospital informed the family that it would take 48 hours to provide a clearer update on her condition. They allege that despite repeated requests, the doctor refused to perform a C-section.

According to the hospital authorities, Aswathy was admitted three days ago. She was 35 weeks pregnant. The heart rate of baby was stable and blood pressure of Aswathy was also being controlled. The doctors confirmed signs of foetal distress on Thursday morning and she was immediately shifted to the operation theatre to undergo C-section. However, the patient's condition deteriorated suddenly, and a uterine rupture ( tear in the uterine wall) was spotted. This led to placental abruption (separation of placenta from the uterine wall before birth). The blood supply to the baby was cut off, and the baby died. The foetus was taken out.

By then, the patient started bleeding excessively, and nearly 45 bags of blood and other components were transfused to save the patient. Such massive transfusion caused another complication termed DIC ( Disseminated intravascular coagulation), which triggers blood clotting disorder leading to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). "We gave medicines to prevent this, but on Friday morning, she had to be shifted to another hospital to perform an ECMO. We understand that the patient suffered a cardiac arrest there. Although they tried to revive her, she underwent another cardiac arrest and died," said Dr Ravindran, Medical Superintendent, Malabar Medical College.