Govt will not allow 'dark tourism' to landslide-hit Wayanad: Minister Riyas

wayanad landslide
A house in Punchirimattam that was damaged in the landslides. Photo: Manorama

Minister P A Muhammad Riyas said the government was notified of incidents of 'disaster tourism' to the landslide-hit areas in Wayanad. "We will not promote such dark tourism or such disaster tourism," Minister Riyas said in a press conference at Chooralmala on Saturday.

He has urged the public to avoid unnecessary travel to the Meppadi panchayat in Wayanad, which was devastated by three landslides claiming more than 300 lives and several still missing.

"We have got complaints about people visiting survivors' houses and clicking pictures and videos," the minister for PWD and Tourism said.

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