Botched surgery at MCH Kozhikode: Medical board confirms negligence on the part of doctor

Kozhikode Medical College. File Photo: Special arrangement.

Kozhikode: The Medical board constituted to probe the unauthorised surgery on the tongue of a 4-year-old child has confirmed medical negligence on the part of the doctor at the IMCH at Government Medical College Hospital Kozhikode.
The medical board handed over the report to the police team investigating the case on Saturday. Earlier the police had confirmed that Dr Bejohn Johnson, who is under suspension over the issue, operated on the tongue instead of the child's finger.

Medical College Assistant Commissioner of Police KE Premachandran said that the report confirmed the negligence. “The report confirms the negligence on the part of the duty doctor. Also, it reiterates the police team's findings,” said the ACP, who heads the inquiry team.
We will file a charge sheet against the doctor, he added. The District Medical Officer is heading the five-member medical board. The panel included a DMO, doctors under his jurisdiction and a police surgeon. They have cross-checked the documents regarding the treatment, duty register, statements to the police by the staff on duty and the First Information Report by the police. The investigation team handed over the details regarding the probe to the Medical board.

The incident happened in the middle of May 2024. The doctor was accused of operating on the tongue of a girl who was admitted for the surgical removal of an additional finger on a hand.
The child's parents filed a complaint alleging medical negligence claiming that their consent was not sought for the operation on the tongue. Dr Bejohn Johnson's suspension came in the wake of a report filed by the head of the Directorate of Medical Education on the instruction of Health Minister Veena George. 

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