Kochi: The Kuruppampady police have arrested four Kerala Students' Union (KSU) activists for throwing shoes at the convoy of Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, while it was was on its way to Kothamangalam from Perumbavoor. The police have registered a case under various provisions of the Indian Penal Code including Sections 283 (Danger or obstruction in public way), 308 (Attempt to commit culpable homicide), 353 (Assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty).

However, no case was registered against the DYFI workers who assaulted the KSU activists. Provoked by the KSU protest, DYFI workers on Sunday beat up the protesters in the presence of police and also burned the flags of KSU and Youth Congress.


KSU State president Aloysius Xavior has clarified that the organisation will not resort to such protests in future. "KSU workers threw a shoe at the bus in an emotional outburst. We'll not be resorting to such means of agitation," he said.

Meanwhile, Perumbavoor MLA Eldhose Kunnappilly alleged that he was assaulted by activists of DYFI, a Leftist students' body, when he went to a hospital to admit a Congress worker injured in their assault. Perumbavoor Police said a case has been registered in that incident too.


Congress workers have been protesting against the Chief Minister and his cabinet colleagues who are on a state-wide Nava Kerala Sadas yatra - an outreach programme by the Left government.

The opposition party has been alleging that the government is using the state apparatus, paid for by the taxpayers, for the Left party's political campaign.