Kozhikode: The Kerala Health Department has released a precautionary note to the public in the wake of Nipah confirmation in Kozhikode district. The Nipah virus has killed two people and infected two others in the district. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has urged people not to panic and to take precaution instead. Several ward across 7 panchayats have been cordoned off to contain the virus.

1. Face the situation calmly. People with Nipah symptoms must contact the control room. Do not use public vehicles while visiting hospitals for treatment.
2. People with symptoms should not try self treatment. Kindly follow an expert's advice.
3. People with Nipah symptoms must not interact with others.
4. Fruits or vegetables which are damaged, or bitten by birds and animals must not be consumed.
5. Avoid drinking toddy or other drinks from open containers
6. Water resources like wells must be covered safely to prevent deposit of bat excrement/urine or other kinds of secretion.
7. Avoid contact with your pet's secretion or excrements.
8. Do not visit or treat sick people without safety measures.
9. Do not handle utensils or clothes worn by the patient in a careless manner.
10. People who take care of the patients must use gloves and masks.
11. Individuals must wash hands using soap and water continuously for 20 seconds. If it is not available, please use sanitiser. Maintain at least one metre distance from the patient.
12. Use N95 masks while interacting with animals like bats, rabbits or pigs.
13. Segregate the utensils and dresses used by the patient.
14. The public may contact the control room any time. Phone numbers: 0495 2383100 , 0495 2383101, 0495 2384100, 0495 2384101, 0495 2386100