Kochi: The Kerala High Court on Wednesday dismissed the plea filed by actor Mohanlal seeking to quash the Perumbavoor judicial first class magistrate court's order that dismissed the plea to withdraw the prosecution case against him for the illegal possession of ivory.

Justice A Badharudeen, however, allowed the revision petition filed by the state government against the order of the magistrate court and asked it to consider the plea afresh.


The case relates to the alleged illegal possession of ivory by the actor, due to which he was charged under the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Mohanlal denied the allegation and claimed that he had obtained it legally.

During the hearings, the state had argued that the actor had not violated the law, and had only possessed the ivory of a dead elephant. But the Perumbavoor court questioned the government's stance and asked whether it would give such an exemption to a common man had he bought the ivory.