Dr George Varghese, former surgery professor of US varsity, passes away

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Durham, US: Dr George Varghese, MD, FACS, a retired professor of surgery with the State University of New York, died on Friday (December 7) at Durham, North Carolina, USA. He was 85.
Dr Varghese is the son of the late Rev M V George, Malayil, Punnakadu, and Saramma George of Kurudamannil, Ayroor.
He is survived by wife Themina, who is the daughter of George Varghese of Pulickaparambil, Tiruvalla, and by sons John and Philip. His grandchildren are Andrew, Almara, Alexander and Jack.
Brig (Rtd.) George Mathew (Chennai) and Koshy George (USA) are the brothers of the deceased.
Funeral will be held at Durham on December 15.
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