Kochi: The ATM robberies in Kerala this week fit into a pattern, the police said. The gang which robbed ATMs at Irumpanam in Ernakulam and Koratti in Thrissur has also tried to break into an ATM at Kalamassery, the police suspect. A similar attempt was reported from Vempally in Kottayam.

An SBI ATM at Irumpanam was robbed of Rs 10 lakh and a South Indian Bank ATM at Koratti was robbed of Rs 25 lakh. Though an SBI ATM at Kalamasseri was breached, the robbers fled after a security alarm went off.


The police have recovered a car suspected to have used by the robbers. The car found on a school ground at Chalakkudi was stolen from Kodimatha in Kottayam, the police said. This car has not crossed a toll plaza at Paliyekkara.

The robberies at Irumpanam and Koratti bore the marks of the same gang. Security cameras were spray-painted before the robbery. They also downed the shutters of the ATMs after the robbery. The police have found the surveillance footage of the robbery at Koratti.

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