Using mobile phone while in toilet: You can face these health issues

If you are in the toilet for more than half an hour, scrolling through your phone, gastroenteritis, cholera, typhoid and hepatitis also await you alongside haemorrhoids. Photo: iStock/Arisara_Tongdonnoi

Time and again, health experts have made it clear that using a mobile phone in the loo is an unhealthy habit for medical and hygiene reasons. However, for many people it's 'relaxation time' and scrolling through the phone apparently helps them relieve themselves better. Now, the medical fraternity alerts that the habit can cause another health issue -  haemorrhoids. And they aren't just blaming mobile phone usage. Be it reading newspapers, books or anything else. If you are in the toilet for more than half an hour, scrolling through these, gastroenteritis, cholera, typhoid and hepatitis also await you alongside haemorrhoids. Only a maximum of seven minutes should be spent in the toilet. 

What are haemorrhoids?
Haemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower part of the rectum and anus. This could be extremely painful and may cause severe discomfort and bleeding. Sitting on the toilet, like on a chair, for a longer duration may reduce blood circulation and lead to health problems. Besides, this habit may cause severe constipation in many. Those with constipation should not sit on the toilet for more than five minutes and should try again after some time. Moreover, applying too much pressure or straining while pooping is not good. Using a footstool to rest your foot while sitting on the toilet would help the body expel the stool completely. 

Hygiene issues
The bacteria on the toilet seat and surroundings can also transfer to the mobile phone, reach our hands, and enter our bodies. Phone usage can also distract you from sensing body signals while on the commode. It can also lead to poor posture, leading to muscle strains and discomfort.

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