Hepatitis in women: Do not ignore these five symptoms

Pain and discomfort on the right side of the abdomen is a symptom of hepatitis in women. Photo: iStock/Chinnapong

Hepatitis is a contagious liver infection caused by viruses, alcoholism and autoimmune diseases. When the liver doesn’t function properly, the body may not be able to expel toxins, regulate digestion or ensure proper protein assimilation. Hepatitis may lead to severe health issues in women; so, do not ignore these five symptoms.
Extreme fatigue
Fatigue and lack of energy are commonly seen in women who are infected with hepatitis. You would be too tired even to do the daily chores.
Yellow eyes and yellowish skin are the prominent signs of jaundice. This happens when the liver is unable to preserve bilirubin. Moreover, jaundice is a symptom of severe liver failure.

Stomach ache
Pain and discomfort on the right side of the abdomen is a symptom of hepatitis in women. This happens due to swelling in the liver. You may notice that the pain intensifies after consuming fatty food items.
Dark urine
Brownish or dark yellow urine may be a sign of hepatitis. High bilirubin is what gives a dark colour to urine.
Loss of appetite/vomiting
Loss of appetite and vomiting are symptoms of hepatitis in women. The inability of the liver to produce enough bile is the reason for this. Do not hesitate to consult a medical practitioner if these symptoms persist.

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