Shabareesh Varma entered Malayalam film industry as a lyricist through 2013 movie Neram, lending additional lines to the big hit 'Pistah Sumakiraya.' Later, his self-styled performance as a singer-actor in 'Premam' made his face familiar to the Malayalam moviegoers. There has been no looking back. The multifaceted talent has ever been a busy bee in Malayalam cinema, with a good number of songs, movies and lyrics to his credit. Now, as his latest movie Ladoo gets released on Friday, Shabareesh admits that his character has uncanny similarities with his real-life behaviour. 

In a candid chat with Onmanorama, Shabareesh said that SK, his character in 'Ladoo' is a boaster like himself. “I do attempt to make people believe the fake stories I cook up. I often succeed in such attempts too. In this movie, I play a character who boasts about everything in his life. SK, my character, gets trapped because of his boasting instinct. I could do it very realistically because I am not bad in getting into trouble because of boasting,” the young artist said laughing.

Why Shabareesh Varma could easily relate with his character in 'Ladoo'
The multifaceted talent has ever been a busy bee in Malayalam cinema, with a good number of songs, movies and lyrics to his credit.

A 'ladoo-wedding'

Why Shabareesh Varma could easily relate with his character in 'Ladoo'
Shabareesh said that SK, his character in 'Ladoo' is a boaster like himself.

Why is the movie named after a dessert? Shabareesh answers it right away: “A Hindu wedding ceremony is graced with a payasam (kheer.) Christians serve ice cream on their weddings. Muslims tend to serve pineapple slices after gourmet meals. What is a perfect dessert on an inter-caste register marriage? Ladoo!” 

He added that there is a particular scene in this movie where the protagonists and his friends sit together to discuss the arrangements to be made for the wedding. As it is a simple register marriage, they settle down with two garlands, two bouquets and 50 ladoos!

Shabareesh revealed that his character in the movie is a big fan of Tollywood star Allu Arjun. “I think that SK lives in each of us. He comes out in certain circumstances without our knowledge. It was also a challenging character for me. Director Arungeorge asked me to deliver 10 times what comes to my mind. I have performed in such an exaggerated manner,” he added.

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