Social media influencer Chaitanya Prakash has been charming her fans and audience with her attractive reels and dance videos. However, her followers were shocked when the youngster attended a New Year event with a bandage on her head. Although she wore a white hoodie over her head, fans were quick to notice her bandage. Since then, netizens have been wondering what happened to their favourite star.

Meanwhile, Chaitanya revealed that she had undergone a surgery to cure recurrent infections in her sinus cavity. She said she decided to undergo an ear surgery on New Year and assured fans that she took the decision considering a better future.


Chaitanya suffered from a condition called pre-auricular sinus which causes recurrent ear infections. She sought treatment four times, last year, for severe infection. The social media star said that she decided to undergo the surgery as the infections were quite painful. Chaitanya who has appeared in many super hit reality shows has also acted in movies like 'Haya' and 'Garudan.'

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