Actor Bala gave fans a glimpse of his tranquil Sunday with his wife, Kokila, through a video shared on Facebook. Relaxing at their new home in Vaikom, Bala and Kokila were seen enjoying various activities.|
The actor spent the rest of the day unwinding by walking with his dog, playing cricket, and soaking in moments of calm, stepping away from his otherwise hectic schedule. This leisurely day offered a peek into the couple’s new life in Vaikom, where they recently moved from their previous residence in Kochi.

Apart from settling into their new home, Bala has also been making a positive impact in the community. The actor took up the initiative to renovate and hand over a local Anganwadi. Speaking about the project, Bala shared that he was moved by the poor condition of the school for young children, which was brought to his attention by the Anganwadi officials. Keeping his word, he rebuilt the facility, transforming it into an appealing and vibrant space for children. Bala credited Kokila’s significant involvement in the project, acknowledging her support with pride.

Bala also reminisced about a recent special occasion—his first birthday after marrying Kokila. He shared highlights of the celebration on social media, expressing that Kokila’s presence had brought newfound happiness into his life. Marking the milestone, the couple hosted a grand event, inviting family, friends, and locals to join in the festivities. Videos and pictures of the joyful cake-cutting ceremony with Kokila were among the moments that Bala shared online, further endearing himself to his fans.