Reveal names of sexual abuse perpetrators mentioned in Hema Commission report: FEFKA

The federation is expected to release an analysis of the Hema Commission report soon.

The Film Employees Federation of Kerala (FEFKA) has sought to release the names of the sexual abuse perpetrators in Malayalam cinema mentioned in the Hema Commission report. FEFKA in a detailed statement on Wednesday, hailed the report, calling it an important document on the Malayalam film industry. The association also said it has taken into account the gravity of the incidents mentioned in the report. “We are aware of the criticism against the silence we maintained in the issue. We do not want to issue empty, fancy statements but recommend strong action and policies that will bring about a huge change within the industry,” the statement read.

“The names of the accused in the Hema Commission report should be made public. We will not tolerate anyone who is found guilty of the crimes they have been accused of,” it said. The federation also plans to release an analysis report of the Hema Commission findings and will also hold an executive committee in Kochi from September 2 to 4 in this regard. “We are also taking opinions of the women members prior to publishing the analysis report,” the statement further said.

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