What’s the most common cancer? Does mobile phones trigger the disease? Doctor explains

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Dr Jojo V Joseph of the cancer surgical oncology department at the Caritas Hospital has completed 25 years in cancer treatment. In his illustrious career, he has done more than 20,000 surgeries and has brought hundreds of patients back to normal life. The senior oncologist busts popular myths about cancer and discusses advanced cancer treatment in conversation.
What is the most commonly seen cancer?
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer. Now, the number of rectal and intestinal cancers has gone up.
What are the prominent symptoms of cancer?
Some common symptoms are unexplained weight loss, painless lumps, blood in urine or stool, mouth ulcers lasting more than three weeks, and prolonged cough. If the disease is diagnosed early, 98% of cases can be cured.
What are the best ways to fight the disease?
Lifestyle changes are the major cause of intestinal and rectal cancer. Modern food culture is the leading cause of this. The World Health Organisation has stated that ‘sitting is the new smoking’, referring to jobs that require people to sit for long hours. Healthy food habits and proper workouts can effectively fight cancer.
Do mobile phones cause cancer?
No, phones do not cause cancer. It is a myth that cancer is transmissible. Besides, giving up sugar cannot stop cancer. People are reluctant to proceed with marriage proposals if a family member has been a cancer patient. I can only tell them that cancer is not a genetic disease.