Mohanlal will continue as AMMA president: Idavela Babu

Idavela Babu. Photo: Manorama News

The Association of Malayalam Movie Actors (AMMA) will see a leadership change as Idavela Babu resigns from the post of general secretary. The actor, who has held the position for several years, confirmed that he will step down before June 30 when AMMA’s annual general body meeting and elections will be held. Meanwhile, Mohanlal will continue as the association’s president. Idavela Babu told Manorama News that the new general secretary would be someone who wouldn't abuse power. He added that his request to the members is to avoid having a politician in any official positions within AMMA.

The actor expressed hope that new faces would take up the reins of the association. He noted that he was happy to give up the post after serving the association for almost three decades. Idavela Babu added that the general secretary is the most powerful person in the association and emphasized that the new general secretary should be someone who wouldn't abuse power. The actor said he had spent some of his best years in the association. He also confirmed that he doesn’t wish to get married, though he might prefer a partnership with someone who understands him.

Idavela Babu believes that the association began to falter when members started having political affiliations, which he thinks intensified the criticisms against the association. He noted that there should be collective responsibility, as the association requires at least Rs 3 crores annually to provide insurance coverage and ‘kaineettam’ (monthly stipend to actors who are advanced in age or are suffering from serious illnesses) to its members.

Idavela Babu has been a member of AMMA since its formation in 1994. He has served as joint secretary, secretary, and general secretary of the association. Meanwhile, there are reports that actor Siddique will be the new general secretary of AMMA. Additionally, more young actors are likely to be part of the executive committee. Idavela Babu, who is busy penning his autobiography, said that he would open up about his time as AMMA’s general secretary.

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