Actor Meera Vasudevan, who has played prominent roles in Malayalam and Tamil cinema, got hitched in an intimate ceremony in Coimbatore recently. This is the actor's third marriage. Vipin Puthiyankam, who has worked as a cinematographer in 'Pai: The Mat' and 'Kudumbavilakku', is Meera's husband. The actor shared the news of her marriage on Instagram.
“We’re officially married. I, Meera Vasudevan and Vipin Puthiyankam married each other on 21/04/2024 at Coimbatore and we are officially registered as a married couple today. Let me introduce you to Vipin properly. He is a Palakkad native from Alathur. He is a DOP/ cinematographer (an international award winner at that). Vipin and I have been working together on the same project since May 2019. We have been seeing each other all of last year and finally tied the knot on 21/04/2024. We had only our immediate family and 2-3 close friends in attendance.
Here I am, sharing this blessed official news with you all, my well-wishers, relations ,friends and the media who have been my greatest supporters in my professional journey. I hope for you to share the same love and support with my husband Vipin too. With love (sic),” she wrote.

Meera who won the Tamil Nadu State Film Award Special Prize in 2005 and the Kerala State Television Award for Best Actress in 2007 met Vipin during the shoot of the popular serial 'Kudumbavilakku'. She was previously married to Vishal Agarwal and actor John Kokken.