Actor Biju Menon met Kerala wicketkeeper-batter Sanju Samson to personally congratulate him for his selection into the 15-member Indian squad for the upcoming ICC Twenty20 World Cup. The actor posted a photo of their meeting on Instagram, which featured him planting a kiss on the cricketer's cheek.
He also posted a congratulatory note along with the photo.“So proud and happy my friend, keep going,” he wrote. Sanju and Biju Menon reportedly share a close bond.

It was Sanju who had once revealed that Biju Menon was his supersenior and a registered player of the Thrissur District Cricket Association. Sanju, who has had a good IPL both as a batter and captain for Rajasthan Royals, was included pipping the likes of Rahul and Ishan Kishan.
Many celebrities, including Tovino Thomas, Kalidas Jayaram, among others also congratulated Sanju Samson on his entry into the T20 World Cup squad.

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