Actor Anaswara Rajan, who was last seen in Midhun Manuel Thomas's latest movie 'Ozler', twinned in white with her co-star Adam Sabiq on social media. The photo was captioned: “Yours truly Suja and Alexander. To this wonderful co star and beloved friend.”

Adam played the younger version of Mammootty, who appears in a cameo role in the movie. The character Alexander was in love with Suja (Anaswara Rajan). Both of them met at the Kozhikode Medical College as MBBS students. Their love story forms the crux of the movie, which is a crime thriller. Adam who made his debut with this movie was appreciated for his performance in the film. His good looks and acting range were also praised.


Anaswara is basking in the success of two back-to-back hits. She appeared as a visually-impaired girl who is sexually assaulted in Jeethu Joseph's movie 'Neru' starring Mohanlal in the lead. Her convincing performance was also well-appreciated.

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